_ spirit alive by Victoria Post

_ spiritual counseling & energy management training

photo - Mt. Shasta

Keep your spirit alive while surrendering to your soul's journey!

_Welcome to spirit alive -- a place to remember how to bring divine inspiration into your daily life, feed the fire within and let it shape your outer life, and learn to see your life through a spiritual lens.

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Now breathe your spirit into your body, enjoy the blessing and read on!

What is spiritual counseling?

"There is only one thing that makes human beings indecent and profoundly bitter, and that's to have a life thrust upon them without meaning."
Sir Laurens van der Post, writer

- Spiritual counseling allows you to see your life from both a psychological and a sacred or symbolic perspective. You will gain insight regarding the everyday aspects of your life, along with your overall life patterns and lessons and a universal karmic view.

You will learn to be with what life is offering you at this moment, while finding the purpose and deeper meaning, even when your life circumstances make no sense at all. Sessions may include psychic readings, astrology readings, voice dialogue, stories or meditation and prayer.

What is energy management training?

"Everything can be taken from man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms -- to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way."
Victor Frankl, psychologist and writer

- Energy management training is how you make spiritual discipline real. Energy management training offers some practical techniques for managing yourself and your energy in the midst of ever-changing circumstances.
You will learn to understand your own energy system and how it works now, how to feed or replenish your energy, and how to use it to make the choices and changes that are right for you. Tools include voice dialogue, chakra and aura work, meditation, sound and movement.

Schedule an Appointment

To schedule an appointment, contact or sign up on line.


> Click to read invitation

energy tips of the week

Honor the Transition Moments

Before and after each activity, take a moment to breathe deeply, bless what is complete, and gather your energy for the next event. If you forget, call back your energy from all the day's activities up to the point of remembering.

You will be much less depleted at the end of the day.

For more suggestions,
view tools & tips page.

what's new

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Check out radio show archives for ideas, inspiration and new perspectives.

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Music CD by Victoria Post:

"Walking the Wheel,
Songs for Four Directions"

Songs based on the teachings of the Plains Indians' Medicine Wheel

The CD offers an 18-minute meditation on wholeness.

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